##### About this Site
This site currently hosts three main things – language and linguistics notes, as well as recipes. Depending on how I feel about this, I may change things up.
> [!info] About Me
> I see myself as a lifelong student and a lover of languages and technology. I started my educational career at a community college studying Information Technology, and then went on to get a bachelor's in Romance Languages and French. Later, I got a master's degree in Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition
> I speak French and Mandarin fluently, and I love helping people learn languages.
> You can see more about my educational background on [my ORCID page](https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1769-8663)
##### My Current Favorite Thing
I recently learned about different types of means other than the arithmetic mean, and it's been super helpful to my life. See [[Math#Mean, Median, and Mode]] for my notes on this topic!
##### Contact me
You can contact me with the following email address if you'd like to request information on language learning or linguistics
[email protected]